PrenatalSAFE Test
PrenatalSAFE® is a non-invasive prenatal test, that analyzing circulating cell-free fetal DNA isolated from a sample of maternal blood, and includes 8 levels of depth thanks to which is possible to achieve the most complete pregnancy informational framework available today. In fact, the test allows detecting aneuploidies and microdeletion syndromes, from the most common to the rarest, structural abnormalities in all fetus chromosomes and the presence of mutations related to severe genetic disorders.
PrenatalSAFE® is offered by the
Genoma Group laboratories in
Milan and Rome and is available in eight versions, each with a different depth level, in detail:

Karyo Plus + GeneSafe™ Complete with GeneScreen® FOCUS, a
carrier screening test for both parents to identify mutations in genes linked to
the most common, and potentially transmissible, recessive inherited diseases in

Analyzes all chromosomes in the fetal genome, identifying chromosomal aneuploidies, structural aberrations (i.e., deletions and duplications) of 7 Mb, 9 microdeletion syndromes, and severe genetic disorders in the fetus.

Through the analysis of circulating cell-free fetal DNA (cfDNA) in maternal blood, it screens for fetal karyotype and severe genetic disorders in the fetus.

It screens for aneuploidies and structural chromosomal abnormalities (deletions or segmental duplications) across the fetal genome.

Moreover allows detecting the presence in the fetus of 9 of the most common microdeletion syndromes.

It screens for Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13, sex chromosomes (X and Y) aneuploidies and includes the determination of fetal gender (optional).

In addition to PrenatalSAFE®
5 test, it also provides the option of a further analysis to detect trisomy 9 and 16 and the presence of structural chromosomal alterations, that is 6 of the most common microdeletion syndromes.

It screens for Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13 and includes the determination of fetal gender (optional).
We remember you that
can be integrated with
test, a non-invasive prenatal exam that, by
analyzing the fetal DNA isolated from a blood
sample of the pregnant woman, allows determining
Rh(D) fetal Factor. The
test is optional, and is performed for free (on
request) in Rh(D) negative pregnant women with a
Rh(D) positive male partner.